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This page lists the results and data generated by RISE. Resources that are open-access are available for download under the following subjects:



Scientific publications


  1. J. García Molinos, D. Yamada, V. Parilova, S. Khasanov, V. Gabyshev, A. Makarov, D. Narita, I. Okhlopkov, Z. Zhang, S. C. Sakapaji, T. Gavrilyeva. 2024. Future climate and land use changes challenge current dependencies on wild food harvesting by rural indigenous communities. PNAS Nexus, 3 (12): pgae523. DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae523

  2. A. Isaev, T. N. Gavrilyeva, L. Mikhaleva, I. Chikidov. 2024. Forest food resources in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (In Russian). Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture, 16 (3): 474-503. DOI: 10.12731/2658-6649-2024-16-3-847

  3. S. C. Sakapaji, J. García Molinos, V. Parilova, T. Gavrilyeva, N. Yakovleva. 2024. Navigating legal and regulatory frameworks to achieve the climate resilience and sustainability of indigenous socioecological systems. Resources, 13 (4): 56. DOI: 10.3390/resources13040056



  1. N. Yakovleva, T. N, Gavrilyeva, A. I. Makarov, N. A. Krasinlikova. 2023. Free prior informed consent in the extractive industry: Approaches to involving Indigenous peoples in decision-making in Finland and Russia. Journal of Environmental Management, 344: 118341. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118341


  1. J. García Molinos, T. N. Gavrilyeva, P. Joompa, D. Narita, S. Chotiboriboon, V. D. Parilova, S. Sirisai, I. Okhlopkov, Z. Zhang, N. Yakovleva, P. Kongpunya, S. Gowachirapant, V. Gabyshev, W. Kriengsinyos. 2022. Study protocol: International joint research project ‘climate change resilience of Indigenous socioecological systemsʼ (RISE). PLoS ONE 17(7): e0271792. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0271792

  2. T. N. Gavrilyeva, , V. D. Parilova. 2022. Food consumption patterns In Yakutia based on the analysis of state statistics. In D. S. Nardin, O. V. Stepanova, & E. V. Demchuk (Eds.), Land Economy and Rural Studies Essentials, 124, 192-202. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. European Proceedings.

  3. N. Yakovleva, K. Coates, T. Hoffman, T. N. Gavrilyeva, N. A. Stepanova. 2022. Indigenous peoples and mining industry in the circumpolar North: Canada, Finland and Russia. In: Yakovleva, N. and Nickless, E. (Eds) Routledge Handbook of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367429959. 704 p.

  4. T. Gavrilyeva, A. Naberezhnaya, F. Nikiforov. 2022. Poverty in the Russian Arctic: The case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Forum for Social Economics, 51(4): 377-393. DOI: 10.1080/07360932.2021.1999842


  1. A. Kotani, N. Shin, S. Tei, A. Makarov and T. Gavrilyeva. 2021. Seasonality in human Interest in berry plants detection by Google trends. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4, ea688835. DOI: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.688835


Reports, technical documents and other outputs

< The summary report for the RISE project can be downloaded here >

< The list of traditional food species compiled for the RISE project can be downloaded here (Sakha) and here (Karen) >


< The research protocols for the RISE project are published in PLOS One (see here) >

Registered patent for database "Recipe, nutritional and energy value of dishes of traditional cuisine of the peoples of Yakutia" (In Russian «Рецептура, пищевая и энергетическая ценность блюд традиционной кухни народов Якутии» certificate number RU 20236230932023). Publication date: 12.09.2023.



Media & outreach

  1. Online discussion forum "Tribal way of life and global warming" (27 June 2021). Dr Kriengsinyos, Dr Sirasai and Ms Chotoribon from the Thai team introduced the RISE project and participated in a discussion forum on climate change risk and adaptation of indigenous communities in Thailand organized by the NGO Thai Climate Justice for All. The recorded session can be viewed here (content in Thai).

  2. Short pieces written by PhD student V. Parilova (Russian team) during her time as a consultant for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization Liaison Office with the Russian Federation covering an interview with a farmer the village of Rassoloda, Indigenous Peoples of the North of Russia celebrating Reindeer Herder's Day, and an interview with M. Okorokov, Director of the Agricultural School in the Republic of Sakha as part of the World Food Day celebrations.

  3. T. N. Gavrilyeva presented the RISE project at an interview with video blogger Alexander Rumyantsev (In Russian), recorded in Rassoloda village and in Yakutsk in March 2023.

  4. T. N. Gavrilyeva recorded a video lecture (In Russian) on "The Impact of Climate Change on the Economy of Yakutia" as part of the anniversary cycle of lectures by professors of the Financial and Economic Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University. The lecture, which covered data and results generated by our project, was broadcasted by the Sakha branch of the NBC (national broadcast company) on 13.04.2024.


Data sets

​RISE is committed to make project results and data publicly available where possible. Over its three years of duration, the RISE project generated a wealth of data including socioeconomic household survey data, food composition and consumption data, species occurrence and distribution data, projections of food species distributions, climate change adaptation surveys and more. Given the sensitive nature of these data sets, many of which involve human subjects, considerations for the Indigenous rights over the data, as well as restrictions on data sharing and use imposed by the local/national authorities such as the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation in Thailand, the three RISE teams have agreed to attend and respond to data requests on a case-by-case basis. For a detailed description of the type of data collected and
generated by the project, interested third parties can consult our study protocol paper (García Molinos et al. 2022; see publication sections above for a link to the paper). Specific inquiries about data availability can be directed to the following contacts:


  • Socioeconomic data (WP1): Thai case study (Dr. Wantanee Kriengsinyos), Sakha case study (Prof. Tuyara Gavrlivyeva).

  • Nutritional data (WP2): Thai case study (Dr. Wantanee Kriengsinyos), Sakha case study (Prof. Tuyara Gavrlivyeva)

  • Ecological/environmental data (WP3): Both case studies (Dr. Jorge García Molinos)

  • Climate change adaptation and vulnerability (WP4): Both case studies (Dr. Jorge García Molinos)


Contact addresses (replace [a] by @)
Prof. Tuyara Gavrlivyeva (tuyara[a]
Dr. Wantanee Kriengsinyos (wantanee.krieng[a]
Dr. Jorge García Molinos (jorgegmolinos[a]

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